Senin, 24 Agustus 2009


Himpunan Mahasiswa Perpustakaan Universitas Sebelas Maret (HIMAPUS UNS) mengucapkan selamat atas terbentuknya Ikatan Keluarga Alumni Perpustakaan Universitas Sebelas Maret (IKAPUS UNS), tanggal 12 Agustus 2009, bersamaan dengan acara "Temu Alumni dan Workshop Membangun Jaringan Alumni Program Diploma III Perpustakaan"...,
beserta ketua IKAPUS FARIZAL HAKIM (angkatan 2005) dan seluruh pengurus IKAPUS UNS., mohon kerjasamanya.... HIDUP MAHASISWA....!!!

Lowongan Pustakawan Di SMA Lazuardi

Rabu, 19 Agustus 2009
okl adalah salah satu jenjang pendidikan yang bernaung dalam Lazuardi Global Islamic Schools. Suasana lingkungan SMA Lazuardi yang asri, sejuk dan bersahabat ini dapat ditemukan di kawasan Sawangan, Depok. Berkaitan dengan kegiatan belajar mengajar, SMA Lazuardi membuka kesempatan untuk bergabung dalam lingkungan kerja yang profesional dan dinamis sebagai Librarian dengan kriteria sebagai berikut: 1. Lulusan S1 di bidang ilmu perpustakaan dan informasi
2. Peduli terhadap pendidikan dan keperpustakaan
3. Terampil berkomunikasi
4. Mampu berbahasa Inggris
5. Mampu mensupervisi bawahan
6. Mampu bekerja dalam lingkungan yang dinamis
7. suka menulis (jurnalistik)

Kirimkan CV, lamaran (ditujukan kepada Bagian Personalia) sebelum 26 Agustus 2009
dan tulisan singkat (100 - 150 kata) mengenai peran pustakawan di sekolah ke:

mudji_r@yahoo. com

Jl. Pakis (Kampus) Rangkapan Jaya Baru,
Sawangan, Depok, 16434 Telepon (021) 7788 1505

sumber :
op : *adyt...

Lowongan : Librarian Handicap International

Publikasi : 18 Agustus 2009
Pengirim : Priya Anto

Handicap International, is an international NGO specialised in the field of disability and development with objective to support people in situations of
disability or vulnerability, whatever may be the cause and the environment underlying that situation (extreme poverty, exclusion, deficient social and health systems, serious violation or denial of basic rights, natural
disasters, violence and armed conflict). For more information on Handicap International please visit web site at

Handicap International intends to award a contract to a librarian for supplying services to compile and centralize the documents available in HI offices and other sources in order that HI has an organized library and a good system.


Under the supervision of the Communication Coordinator, the librarian will be responsible to:
* To establish and implement library and information policies and procedures
* To develop and manage convenient, accessible library and information services
* To develop cataloguing and classification of print, audio-visual, and electronic resources
* To enter cataloguing data into the library’s automated system
* To develop special indexing systems and files for special collections
* To process resources for placement on shelf for physical (real) library and virtual (online) library
* To file cards in shelf list for physical (real) library and virtual (online) library
* To train Communication Coordination team to effectively search and update the library catalogue in physical (real) library and virtual (online) library


* The work has to be finished in maximum 50 working days according to HI working hour
* The contract will be given to a service provider instead of an employee. It is not an employment contract.
* Any interested person/institution should send the CV/company profile with a quotation of the total cost estimation of maximum 250 KB with reference: “Librarian” in the subject, not later than 26/08/2009 to:

Handicap International
Reference: Librarian


Lowongan Kerja Dosen dan Staff di Universitas Internasional Batam Agustus 2009

As a leading University in Batam, we are looking for qualified lectures to fill the following Study Program:

- Electrical Engineering
- Information System
- Computer System Management
- Accounting
- Hotel Management
- Law


- IT Center
- QA Center
- Learning Center
- Library
- Research & Community Service



- Must have at least a bachelor’s degree (S1) but more priority of master degree (S2) for lecturer, and for staff min Diploma (D3)
- Must be capable and fit for teaching in the field of education
- Must be well experienced in teaching and motivating students
- Must have special expertise in their respective fields


- Curriculum Vitae
- Photocopy of diploma or certificate
- Photocopy of transcript of record
- Photocopy of KTP and latest 2 photo, size 4×6


JL.Gajah Mada Simpang UIB, Baloi Sei Ladi, Batam

NB: Setiap Pelamar harus mengisi Formulir Kompetensi Calon Pegawai Sebelumnya dan mengirimkan kembali ke email:
